Thursday, August 9, 2012

Look Ma, No Hands~

We are making paper-mache piggy banks. The first one is turning out so darn cute that I am thinking of making more than just Piggy's. I want to make all kinds of different banks, my imagination is going wicked wild and I want to make an octopus! Charleigh, my granddaughter is learning her numbers so Grandma is going to make her the octopus from her favorite book... I think I need to find a copy of that book so I can study it!

I love Paper-Mache, it is so darn therapeutic! I get to make a huge mess and I am using a paste I made out of two parts flour and one part water. I have recently been diagnosed as being Gluten intolerant, so what is better to do with all this old flour than to make wonderful creations.

For those of you who know me, may wonder why I am not quilting... Hummm, how to make a long story short! Well last month Chris and I went to Oregon for a working vacation. I was going to trade at some local Oregon craft fairs and Chris painted my Sister's house. While we were up visiting with my Sister we took a day off to go and see the Pier that floated in from japan, due to the Tsunami  in March of 2011. We had a great day at the beach hiking around the beach and decided to go into Newport to have some dinner and check out the shops. We had a great Dinner at a little fish market and then went to the shops... I was looking around at a Hippy shop, I looked up at the posters on the wall, took a step backwards, and fell down a flight of Stairs! Well after a few hours in the emergency room, I was very blessed to learn that nothing was broken but I had totally messed up my hands! BOTH OF THEM... I had them both in braces and I was in pain!

My Mom had to feed me the next day, she was called in to take care of me! I had been helping her at her place, boy did those roles change quickly! it was a wake up call for me, I am so independent, I have a hard time asking for or taking help (well except from Chris, I try not to take him for granted). It was a difficult few weeks but I have learned that others like to help also and maybe I am taking a blessing away from them by doing it all myself!

So here we are almost a month later and I still have problems with my right hand! I am so glad that I am left handed! I have had the left brace off for about a week now and the right brace I was weaning down to just a few hours a day when I went outside. Until today~ Today a box of fabric fell on my right hand! So back to the brace. It hurts to sew, but not to play with Paper-Mache... I told you it was a long story!

Have a wonderful day, and thanks for stopping by.